Our Blog
The Role of Special Education Advocates: Ensuring Every Child Thrives
Discover how inclusive education advocates empower families, support schools, and foster ambitious, inclusive opportunities for children with disabilities. Learn how The Advocacy Underground bridges gaps in knowledge, promotes collaboration, and ensures every child’s rights are met with integrity.
Exceptionally Ambitious: Raising the Bar for Every Child
Discover how "exceptionally ambitious" education redefines inclusion, inspired by Endrew F. v. Douglas County. Learn how bold expectations and meaningful goals empower every child to thrive, grow, and belong.
Inclusive Education: A Human Right Rooted in Dignity and Equality
Discover how The Advocacy Underground champions inclusive education as a human right. Learn about the ethical, moral, and legal imperatives driving equality and belonging for students with disabilities.
Welcome to The Advocacy Underground
Join The Advocacy Underground, a movement for inclusive education that empowers parents, educators, and advocates to support exceptional kids. Learn about special education rights, access inclusive toolkits, and become part of the fight for equality and belonging. Together, we can make inclusion a reality.